Articles by Elisabeth Greenbaum Kasson

  • Surviving a 'Performance Improvement Plan'

    Performance improvement plans (PIP) are old tools of HR. Employees view them with a jaundiced eye: get one and get ready to get out. But you may be surprised to learn that their primary purpose is right there i…
  • How Brexit May Affect U.S. Developers

    The international community—not to mention many a U.K. native—reacted with shock when a majority of British voters opted for the Brexit earlier this summer. Stock markets around the world hiccupped, and the Pou…
  • Becoming a Legacy Software Expert

    Legacy software technologists may not be in demand in quite the same way as other developers, but there’s still a pressing need for their expertise. Even as technology rapidly evolves and new languages and plat…
  • Handling Weird or Insulting Interview Questions

    In 2013, Google ended its policy of asking off-the-wall questions during interviews. Strange chestnuts such as, “You’re shrunk down to the size of a dime and placed in a blender. You have one minute to get out…
  • Why Startups Need Older Technologists

    Numerous studies and surveys have shown that Baby Boomers need (or want) to continue working throughout their “traditional” retirement years. And although some industries are receptive to hiring workers over 50…
  • Things a Sysadmin Should Never Do

    Managing, maintaining and protecting the network is a difficult job on the best of days—and despite a sysadmin’s Herculean efforts to keep order, proverbial cow patties still end up hitting the fan. With that i…
  • Becoming a Director of Platform Engineering

    To say that Director of Platform Engineering is a complex role is something of an understatement. Just ask Dan Warner, who holds that position at West Corporation, a Nebraska-based telecommunications services p…
  • Prepping for a Sysadmin Interview

    Getting your first or second sysadmin job is as much about fit and emotional intelligence as it is about “hard” skills. Questions and answers relating to technical knowledge requirements are easily found online…
  • Moving from Intern to Full-Time Employee

    Although a tech internship can open up the door to an amazing career, it’s also tricky to translate an internship at a particular company into a full-time position. Among interns, competition for any open posit…
  • Getting a Programming Job When You’re Over 50

    Ageism in tech is a much-discussed problem. The issues surrounding it are often less about skill-sets and more about the attitudes and perceptions of tech-company hiring managers, who are often younger than the…