Postgre SQL DBA


On Site
Depends on Experience
Accepts corp to corp applications
Contract - W2
Contract - 18 Month(s)


Postgre SQL DBA

Job Details

Job Role: PostgreSQL DBA

Location: Fort Worth, TX(Onsite)

Duration: Long-term


In PostgreSQL, a Database Administrator (DBA) is responsible for the installation, configuration, maintenance, and overall management of the PostgreSQL database system. The roles and responsibilities of a PostgreSQL DBA can be categorized into several key areas:

  1. **Installation and Configuration**:

- Install PostgreSQL on various platforms.

- Configure PostgreSQL to meet specific performance and security requirements.

- Set up and manage configuration files like `postgresql.conf` and `pg_hba.conf`.

  1. **Database Design and Development**:

- Design and create databases and schemas.

- Create and manage database objects such as tables, indexes, views, and sequences.

- Implement data integrity and normalization.

  1. **User Management and Security**:

- Create and manage database users and roles.

- Define and enforce database security policies.

- Manage access controls using GRANT and REVOKE statements.

- Implement SSL/TLS for secure connections.

  1. **Backup and Recovery**:

- Develop and implement backup strategies.

- Perform regular backups of databases.

- Test and execute recovery procedures.

- Use tools like `pg_dump`, `pg_restore`, and `pg_basebackup`.

  1. **Performance Tuning and Optimization**:

- Monitor database performance and resource utilization.

- Identify and resolve performance bottlenecks.

- Optimize queries and database structures.

- Use tools like `EXPLAIN`, `VACUUM`, and `ANALYZE`.

  1. **Maintenance and Upgrades**:

- Perform routine maintenance tasks such as vacuuming, analyzing, and reindexing.

- Plan and execute database upgrades and patching.

- Monitor and manage database replication and failover strategies.

  1. **Monitoring and Troubleshooting**:

- Monitor database health and respond to alerts.

- Troubleshoot database issues and errors.

- Use logging and monitoring tools like `pg_stat_activity`, `pg_stat_replication`, and third-party monitoring solutions.

  1. **Data Migration and Replication**:

- Plan and execute data migrations between PostgreSQL instances or from other database systems.

- Set up and manage replication (e.g., streaming replication, logical replication).

- Ensure data consistency and availability.

  1. **Compliance and Documentation**:

- Ensure compliance with relevant data protection regulations.

- Maintain thorough documentation of database environments, procedures, and configurations.

- Keep track of database changes and maintain version control.

  1. **Automation and Scripting**:

- Automate routine DBA tasks using scripts and tools.

- Develop and maintain custom scripts for specific DBA tasks.

- Use tools like cron jobs for scheduled tasks.

A PostgreSQL DBA needs to have a solid understanding of SQL, database design principles, and system administration skills, as well as familiarity with the specific features and tools provided by PostgreSQL.

Submission details:


Candidate Reference No / CVID

Full Legal Name:

First Name recorded in iTAP (Please share iTAP snippet)

Middle Name recorded in iTAP (Please share iTAP snippet)

Last Name recorded in iTAP(Please share iTAP snippet)

Candidate Location:

Contact Number:

Email ID:

Expected Rate:

Interested to Relocate (Yes/No):

Work Authorization Type (Must):

Validity of Visa (If applicable):

Availability for Onsite:

Earliest Availability to Join:

LinkedIn Profile: (Must share the link)

Current and Last few employers:

Day one onsite reporting flexibility (Yes / No). If No, please share timeline to RTO (Return to office)

Thanks and Regards,

Ravinder Molugu | Senior US IT Recruiter

Phone: x Extn: 9055

Direct: +1
