Articles by Jeff Cogswell

  • JavaScript You Need to Know for a Job

    JavaScript is a programming language that’s easy to pick up, but extremely difficult to master. Even some of its beginner-level functions are decidedly not beginner-friendly. When you land your first JavaScript…
  • How Much C++ Do You Need to Know for a Job?

    How much C++ do you need to know to land your first job? Yes, there’s always more to learn, whether you’re a beginner or a professional with 20 years in the programming business. There’s no magical point at whi…
  • Choosing an IDE That's Right for You

    Today's software development often requires working with multiple tools in a variety of languages. The complexity can give even the most skilled developer a nasty headache, which is why many try to rely on Inte…
  • JavaScript Devs: Is It Worth Learning jQuery?

    If you're learning JavaScript and Web development, you might be wondering whether to learn jQuery. After nearly a decade of existence, jQuery has grown into a fundamental part of JavaScript coding in Web develo…
  • Linus Torvalds Was (Sorta) Wrong About C++

    With all the new (and new-ish) languages out there, you might wonder why it’s still worth learning C++, a language first invented in 1983. Wedged amidst lower-level languages such as C, C++ went through a spike…
  • Little-Known Programming Languages That Pay

    There is no shortage of programming languages, from the well-known ones (Java and C++) to the domain-specific (which focus on a particular industry or type of problem) to the outright esoteric (intended just fo…
  • 5 Technologies That Could Alter Your Career

    Predicting the future with any accuracy is a nigh-impossible feat. But when you want to start learning a new technology that will help you in your career, you have to do your best to determine if it's just hype…
  • 5 Programming Languages Marked for Death

    Update: So how did we do with these predictions? Check out our March 2016 article that breaks down which of the following languages continue to retain market-share... and which are, indeed, imploding. As develo…
  • Unpopular Programming Languages That Are Still Lucrative

    In a previous article, I discussed the best programming languages to learn over the next year. Most of those were popular languages such as C#, JavaScript, PHP, and Swift. (I also did a follow-up that sang the…
  • Are Python and Objective-C Worth Learning?

    Last week’s article on the five programming languages you’ll need next year (and beyond) didn’t include two important languages: Python and Objective-C. Python’s exclusion sparked a passionate response from som…