Main image of article Apple's iPod Classic Refuses to Die
A funny thing happened to the iPod Classic on its way to the dustbin of history: people seemed unwilling to actually give it up. Apple quietly removed the iPod Classic from its online storefront in early September, on the same day CEO Tim Cook revealed the latest iPhones and the upcoming Apple Watch. At 12 years old, the device was ancient by technology-industry standards, but its design was iconic, and a subset of diehard music fans seemed to appreciate its considerable storage capacity. Click here to find iOS jobs. At least some of those diehard fans are now paying four times the iPod Classic’s original selling price for units still in the box, according to The Guardian. (Hat tip to the blog 9to5Mac for the original link.) On Amazon, some last-generation iPod Classics are selling for $500 and above. Clearly, some people haven’t gotten the memo that touch-screens and streaming music are the way of the future. As for everybody who owns an iPod Classic they don’t use anymore: now’s your chance to auction it off.

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Image: Apple