Career Advice

Insights for Technologists

Data Analyst Certifications: Your Questions Answered
Data is the lifeblood of modern companies, and demand is rising for tech professionals who can collect, clean, and analyze data for crucial strategi…
How to Interpret 8 of the Most Common Things Tech Hirin…
It can be difficult to read between the lines during the hiring process, especially when managers make vague comments or set arbitrary deadlines that can leave…
Could Generative AI Result in Higher Tech Pro Burnout?
Companies everywhere are turning to generative AI as a way to boost productivity and streamline workflows. But is this newish technology actually making workers…
4 Alternatives to Microsoft Publisher You Can Use Today
Back in February 2024, Microsoft announced that its Publisher DTP (Desktop Publishing Solution) will go out of support in October 2026 and no longer be included…
3 Cybersecurity Trends in 2024: Ransomware, AI, Talent Hiring
Now that we’re midway through 2024 and organizations are beginning their 2025 preparations, cybersecurity experts are reviewing the la…
What Distinguishes a Leader From a Manager?
Within the hierarchy of any business organization, there are obvious and necessary levels of managers who have tremendous responsibili…
Changing The Way The World Moves
How Ford’s Technical Specialists Manage a Globalized Workforce The automotive industry is in a state of rapid change. In addition to t…
7 Questions to Ask a Recruiter Before Accepting an Interview
If you have ever gotten to a job interview only to find that the duties, responsibilities or compensation didn’t match the recruiter’s…
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