Articles for Career Growth

  • How to Build Better AI Prompts for Coding Help

    AI tools such as ChatGPT can prove helpful when you’re coding. In theory, you can provide the chatbot with a description of what you need coded, and the platform will return the appropriate code snippet. With t…
  • Essential AI Skills for a Thriving Career in Technology: Python, TensorFlow, Neural Networks, and More

    Part 2 in the AI and Your Tech Career Series Welcome to Part 2 in the "AI and Your Tech Career," Dice's 10-part article series walking through the basics of how to successfully integrate artificial intelligence…
  • 3 Ways to Upskill Yourself and Adapt in the Age of A.I.

    Data shows that tech professionals are eager to learn artificial intelligence (A.I.) skills on the job, but over half of employer-led training programs are falling short of meeting their needs. In fact, only 64…
  • Networking for Women in Tech: Tips & Opportunities

    The Benefits of Networking Include: Access to career opportunities. Professional support and connections. Exposure to new technologies and more. In fact, according to research by Zippia, 85 percent of jobs are…
  • Why Finding Your 'Work-Life Integration' is Better Than 'Work-Life Balance'

    We’re all familiar with the so-called Work-Life Balance. But, this conjures up visions of see-saws that must be perfectly balanced with equal weights on both ends at all times to ensure success. I personally be…
  • 5 Transferable Skills Tech Managers are Looking For in 2024

    With more employers selecting candidates for tech positions based on their skills and growth potential rather than degrees, transferrable skills are fast becoming the new currency of work. What are transferable…
  • How to Become a Linux Developer

    The path to becoming a proficient Linux developer can unlock a host of career opportunities. Many companies rely on some flavor of the Linux operating system as part of their tech stack, and there are lots of e…
  • How Project and Program Management Compare

    If you’re interested in helping companies manage their operations, you might be wondering about the differences between program and project management. We’ll dig into what program and project managers do, along…
  • Interview Tips for Data Security Analysts

    With cyberattacks on the rise worldwide, companies everywhere are anxious to keep their databases as secure as possible. In order to do so, many hire data security analysts, who (as the name implies) analyze te…
  • How to Break into Mobile Development

    With billions of smartphones worldwide, it’s safe to say the mobile app industry isn’t declining anytime soon. For those who’ve mastered the intricacies of producing iOS and Android apps, opportunities potentia…
  • Five Best Practices for Software Developers

    As software developers gain experience, they learn that mastering coding best practices isn’t just about writing code that gets the job done: the key thing is to write code that’s top quality, (relatively) easy…
  • What Is Rightsourcing in IT?

    It’s considering both in-house and external resources for the best fit for a variety of tasks. Rightsourcing considers in-house options and contractors to determine the most effective course of action. With rig…
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