Main image of article The Most Annoying Part of Job Hunting

Screen Shot 2016-08-16 at 4.51.23 PM What’s the most annoying part of the job-search process? According to new data from Robert Half, it’s waiting to hear back after a job interview. Some 23 percent of the 1,000 U.S. workers who responded to Robert Half’s survey indicated that they would lose interest in a firm that didn’t contact them within a week after the initial job interview, while 46 percent said they would lose interest after one to two weeks without some sort of check-in from the prospective employer. “Professionals in fields such as compliance, cybersecurity, Big Data and finance can receive four to six offers within a week,” Paul McDonald, senior executive director of Robert Half, wrote in a statement accompanying the report. “Candidates with several options often choose the organization that shows the most interest and has an organized recruiting process.” Faced with a lengthy wait, some 39 percent of respondents said they would lose interest in the potential job and begin pursuing others, while 32 percent would begin to question the prospective employer’s very ability to make decisions. Another 18 percent said they would lose interest in the role, but decide to stay in their current position. Other pet peeves among job-hunters: having an interviewer describe a different role than the one described in the initial job posting; being asked to attend too many interviews; and scheduling delays for interviews. A recent analysis of U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data by USA Today suggested that tech professionals earn a salary premium over their non-tech colleagues, especially in major tech hubs such as Seattle, San Francisco and Boston. In those cities, tech pros with the right mix of background and skills can earn a comfortable six figures—which is good, considering the high cost of living in many of those places. With that much demand, technology jobs stay open only 25.8 days on average, according to the latest update of the DHI-DFH Mean Vacancy Duration measure, which is based on the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) in the United States. No wonder tech pros on the hunt for their next position get impatient if they don’t hear from a company in a week or two—chances are good they’re already fielding queries from other interested firms.