Main image of article Apache Hadoop Developer Résumé: Show Your Ecosystem Skills
You could argue that Apache Hadoop, the open-source framework that allows firms to run data applications on large hardware clusters, suffered from a severe case of early overhype. Five or six years ago, you couldn’t walk into a tech conference or sit in a meeting with higher-level executives without everyone practically chanting “Hadoop.” That hype seems to have died down a bit, in large part because many companies didn’t actually undergo the enormously complicated process of integrating Hadoop into their data-analytics workflows. Nonetheless, many firms do rely on Hadoop distributions, which means there’s a healthy market for Hadoop developers. With all that in mind, what should you include on a Hadoop developer résumé? First, Hadoop developers must absolutely convey that they have a firm understanding of (and experience working with) the core Apache Hadoop components, including the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), MapReduce (for processing), and YARN and Hadoop Common (which features the libraries that the ecosystem needs to operate). List those in your skills section, along with Hive (a data warehouse component that sits atop Apache Hadoop), HBase (a distributed database, written in Java, developed as part of Hadoop), and Apache Pig (a tool, based on a specialized programming language called Pig Latin, that lets you create programs that run on Apache Hadoop). Yep, that’s a lot of components. And if you’ve spent any time working with Apache Hadoop, you’re surely familiar with them (if you’re not, you probably shouldn’t be applying for a Hadoop-related job until you’ve spent a couple years learning your stuff). It’s also helpful for job candidates to know the technologies of Hadoop’s ecosystem, including Java, Linux, and various scripting languages and testing tools. Of course, a Hadoop developer résumé is more than just a list of skills. Use the “Experience” section of your résumé to show that you’ve taken those skills and used them to build, maintain, and troubleshoot complicated Hadoop setups. Many employers are looking for Hadoop developers with a history of writing manageable, high-performance code, and who can solve the issues that regularly crop up with Big Data projects. If you want a good example of how to display your experience, check out Dice’s sample Hadoop developer résumé. As with any résumé, the key is to show how your work translated into tangible results for the company; describe your impact (in as few words as possible), backed up by any available facts and figures you can throw in—that your data-analytics work led to a revenue increase of 25 percent, for example. (Also remember to keep things concise—check out this list of tips for reducing your résumé into as streamlined a form as possible.) For those with the right mix of skills and experience, life as a Hadoop expert can prove quite lucrative, according to Dice’s data. For example, data architects with a heavy Hadoop specialization can pull down an average of $137,787 per year. But in order to earn that kind of salary, you need to convince employers that you’re the right fit for the job—and a well-written Hadoop developer résumé can go a long way toward helping you do that.