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It took ten years, but Google and Apple seem to have settled into something of a détente when it comes to smartphone operating systems. You don’t hear as many tech pundits opining about the supposed “war” between iOS and Android, and the number of columns predicting the death of either OS seems to have dropped off (for now, at least). Of course, it always helps when rival platforms are backed by companies that virtually print money (meaning neither will go away anytime soon) and have no major opponents left to steal market-share (Windows Phone, BlackBerry, and webOS, we hardly knew ye). The job market reflects this stability. On Dice, the number of employer postings for Android-related jobs remained relatively level last year, as did the supply (i.e., candidates applying for those Android jobs). It was a similar situation with iOS: demand among employers for tech pros skilled in Apple’s OS remained pretty even throughout 2017, as did the supply of talent applying for those positions. But which operating system will pay you more? An iOS developer with five years of experience can earn an average of $83,500 to $112,500 in San Francisco; for an Android developer with the same experience in the same city, salaries are a little lower, ranging from $76,500 to $104,000. That doesn’t include perks and other, non-monetary features that can make a particular job desirable, such as flexible hours or free food. That trend repeats itself in other cities that aren’t burgeoning tech hubs. For example, in Kansas City, Missouri, that same iOS developer could expect to earn between $68,500 and $92,000, while an Android developer’s pay might range from $62,000 to $84,000. While that’s a little lower than “hot” tech cities such as San Francisco, that same pattern crops up again—Android developers can expect to earn a tad less than iOS developers, depending on the job and their own mix of skills and experience. If you’re a relatively new mobile developer and you’re curious about which platform to build apps for, never fear—both Android and iOS are robust, although there are some signs that iOS-related jobs pay a bit more.