Main image of article Are Technologists Quitting Their Jobs Without Giving Notice?

It’s one of the cornerstones of employment etiquette: quit if you must, but at least give your employer a little bit of warning (two weeks’ notice is generally considered an acceptable timeframe). But how many technologists have simply walked away from the job without giving notice?

According to a new survey by Blind, which surveys anonymous technologists about a range of issues, only a small percentage of technologists have ever left their employer without giving notice. But at some companies (most notably Oracle and Cisco), that “small percentage” isn’t negligible—and hopefully managers are paying attention. Check out the full chart:

This survey drew from 5,000 (again, anonymous) professionals. Blind also found that 28 percent of technologists had skipped a job interview or stopped communicating with a prospective employer at some point in the interview process.

“Professionals, long used to following up with employers after seeing their interview process stall without communication, have turned the table on employers,” added Blind’s note accompanying the data. “Now, job seekers, often juggling multiple interview prospects or job offers at a time, are not showing up to job interviews, their first day with a new company, or, in some extreme cases, work entirely.”

You probably know it, but we have to say it: Ghosting on your employer is a really, really, really bad idea. Although the tech industry is huge, it’s also composed of tightly knit communities of professionals—and those professionals tend to talk. It might feel dangerous and exciting to walk out on your team leader without so much as a “goodbye,” but there’s always the chance you could encounter them later, at another company. In addition, your colleagues might mention your desertion to their friends and professional contacts—and you might end up working with those folks at some point.

If you intensely dislike your current company, you can always give notice before you quit. If you like some aspects of your job, you could also try to communicate your issues to your manager—voicing issues, concerns, and problems can help spark productive, positive change. And that could ultimately prove better for your career than just walking out the door.