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DICETV UPDATE: New Yorkers love Facebook engineers... Big Data and you... If you’re a security expert, call a CIO, will you? All on this week's Update. Facebook’s setting up an engineering office in New York, and that may have a halo effect. Facebook’s presence could give the area more cache for engineers, and so make it easier to recruit people who otherwise would be more inclined to work in Silicon Valley. Tech business leaders in the city say Facebook’s decision validates the East Coast as a destination for the best tech talent. It doesn’t hurt that Google and Twitter already have shops in New York. Twitter set up an office with 40 people in October, and says it plans to hire more. About 90,000 people already work in New York’s tech sector. “Big data” has a big year coming. eWeek says control of data is going to be a critical theme next year. That means how data enters a system, where it resides, how it’s processed, and who accesses and manages it. And let’s not forget about archiving and storing it. The chatter about “big data” that we’ve all been hearing over the past year or so is about to become a major conversation. eWeek’s list of top trends for 2012 bears that out. Some of them:

  • Full automation of major IT systems.
  • More cloud-based software and services.
  • Exabyte-scale storage systems.
  • Vastly increased use of data analytics—and not just inside large enterprises.
  • And better unified data center controls, including monitoring of data flow and storage.

Twenty percent of CIOs plan to expand their IT departments, and 10 percent expect cutbacks in the first quarter of 2012, according to Robert Half Technology. That’s a projected net 10 percent increase in hiring activity, up 4 percentage points from the previous quarter’s forecast. Almost three quarters--73 percent--of the CIOs say they’re still struggling to find people with the skills they need. In particular demand: Networking and IT security experts to start. Followed by applications developers, data/database managers, and help desk and support staff.