Main image of article Flickr Users Can Join SOPA Protest

Lamar Smith -- Darken on Flickr Flickr, Yahoo!'s photo sharing website, has given its users the power to darken any (well, almost any) photos they like--even those uploaded by others--if they want to join today's protests against the proposed anti-piracy bills, SOPA and PIPA. The picture above is an example of one of the darkened photos. As a freemium service, it'd be unfair to pro account users to have their photos made unavailable, for whatever reason. Therefore, users can opt-out of the campaign so that their photos will remain untampered. Flickr's participation may not be drastic but since it's one of the most popular photo sharing websites around, it's still attention grabbing. As the company puts it, "Your symbolic act will help draw attention to this issue and let others know about the potential harmful impacts of these bills." I say: "If you have some spare time, and have no website or blog to blackout, go ahead and darken some photos on Flickr, preferably the popular ones." Photo credit: Ryan J. Reilly