Main image of article Google Says it Can Speed Up Websites With New Tool. But Does it Work?
Google Page Speed ServiceGoogle officially announced last week a new service called Page Speed Service, which is expected to improve website load time throughout Google servers. To use this new service you need to sign a web form and point your website DNS entry to Google. Google then gathers content from your servers, rewrites it with their best tools, and sends it back through Google servers worldwide. To perform this Google uses concatenated CSS, compresses images, uses cache and gzip, or any other hidden techniques. Google says users accessing websites optimized by Google's new service will experience faster load times. In the tests performed by Google, improvements were seen in 25 to 60 percent of websites. But to check whether this new service can improve your website or not, you can perform the test right here. We tested this new service on the website and it appears that Google's tool can improve load times, but only by .2 seconds. We also tested Google Page Speed Service at and it appears that the website clearly does not need to use this service, since it loads 16.4 percent slower, or 6.9 seconds compared with the un-optimized 5 seconds. For now, Page Speed Service is offered to a restricted amount of webmasters for free, but in the future everyone will be able to use it at a competitive price. Source: The Office Google Page Blog: Page Speed Service