Main image of article Apple May Announce iPad 3 in Early March

Apple could announce the iPad 2 successor in the first week of March, AllThingsD reports. If the publication's sources are correct, the announcement of the highly anticipated iPad 3 will be made at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco. The YBCA has been the venue of choice for Apple for most of its important product announcements. By comparison, Apple announced the iPhone 4S, considered a 'minor revision' to the iPhone 4, instead of a full-fledged upgrade with a design change, in its own campus in Cupertino last year. Contrary to earlier rumors, a recent report pointed out that the iPad 3 would not be powered by a quad-core chip. All other expectations, such as Retina display, greater graphics processor unit, and better battery life are still in place, with no reports debunking or ruling out the possibilities thus far. The design is expected to be largely the same as the iPad 2, with a slight bump in its thickness to accommodate its new internals, and possibly a larger battery. Photo: FHKE