Main image of article How the iPhone 5 Changes Mobile Gaming

iPhone 5 Remote appApple's new iPhone 5 beats its predecessor in almost every way. With a 4-inch display, it's the first of the line to depart from the conventional 3.5-inch screen size, and the first iOS device to sport a 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio. Sure, that's nothing to shout about. High-end Androids have had rocking 720p displays for quite some time. But to the iOS app ecosystem, this is a big deal. The iPhone 5 ushers in a new era of widescreen iOS apps and games, and more than just seeing slightly more content on the screen. It means that apps optimized for the iPhone 5 will look gorgeous on widescreen televisions. Along with the A6 chip, which Apple says is twice as fast as the A5 chip, and an affordable $99 Apple TV, we have a recipe for a pseudo game console. In fact, EA’s Rob Murray claims that games can run in console quality on the iPhone 5, and proved it with a demo of Real Racing 3 at Apple's launch event. Given enough time, a majority of games in the App Store will be updated to support the new screen aspect ratio. And they can all be TV-ready when you simply turn on the device's AirPlay mirroring. The one thing that would make this marriage perfect would be a standalone game controller. A slab of glass without any tactile feedback isn't ideal for gaming, especially when you're looking at the TV the whole time.
