Main image of article Motorola Loses Patent Suit Against Apple

Motorola and Apple are back at it again. Remember the story from last December titled "Apple Loses Motorola Patent Case, Must Pay Damages?" Well, that was just one of the cases of Motorola vs. Apple. In another episode of the patent war, the judge decided that the lawsuit over the 3G/UMTS patent has been dismissed, fosspatents reports. The patent was referring to a "method and system for generating a complex pseudonoise sequence for processing a code division multiple access [CDMA] signal" which Motorola Mobility currently owns. It seems that Motorola Mobility failed to present a conclusive evidence that Apple was inevitably infringing this 3G/UMTS patent. Even if the court was close to granting Motorola Mobility an injunction over Apple devices, it appears that they "didn't show any kind of actual implementation (neither hardware nor software), and arguing merely on the basis of the specifications of the standard was insufficient to win." So, now, in the war between Motorola Mobility and Apple, the score is 2-1, meaning that Motorola leads with two cases won against Apple (one was the case we talked about in December, about the GPRS patent, and another one was obtained this week against iCloud (and MobileMe) push email service and client devices). The patent war will not be ending soon, because there are still a lot of trials between these technology giants and no one knows who will be the real winner.