Main image of article Georgia Tech Industry Seeks Sys Admins, Developers

Georgia has a fast growing tech industry  that can't seem to find enough tech pros to fill more than 4,000 positions at the moment. What makes Georgia a good place to live? Post your thoughts below.  The 15,000-member Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) produced an impressive 2012 State of the Industry: Technology in Georgia Report, which details the Georgia tech industry's $113.1 billion economic impact in the state and just how quickly tech is growing. It points out:

  • The most critical positions – such as systems administrators and application developers – are also the most difficult positions to fill. Georgia's technology decision makers also say their most important technology initiatives for 2012 are mobile/wireless projects.
  • Technology employment opportunities are growing. Georgia's technology sector added nearly 6,000 jobs in 2011 to reach employment of 253,000 workers.
  • More hiring is planned; a survey of Georgia's technology decision makers found that 71 percent plan to increase hiring over the next year and 85 percent plan to increase hiring over the next five years.
  • Georgia's technology jobs pay more than the average non-technology job. Workers   earned average wages of more than $81,000 in 2011, nearly 85 percent more than the average state worker.
  • Technology salaries are rising in the state, with 63 percent of Georgia's technology decision makers expecting wages to increase again this year. The direct payroll was more than $20.5 billion in 2011.
  • Georgia needs more technology talent to meet the growing demand. Companies in the state currently have more than 4,000 open technology jobs.
  • 57 percent of respondents said they currently have technology position openings and about one-third said they have difficulty filling these open positions due to a lack of technology talent.