Main image of article Apple Wins in Samsung Patent Case; $1 Billion+ Damages Award

Apple scored a major victory in its patent infringement lawsuit against Samsung Electronics, receiving a favorable jury verdict that calls for $1.05 billion in damages. The jury verdict, according to The Wall Street Journal, says Samsung infringed on six of Apple's patents involving its tremendously popular iPhone and iPad. The nine-member jury, however, didn't find Apple infringed on any of Samsung's mobile patents, as the Korean-company alleged. What makes this case significant is the ramifications the jury verdict may have on other Android device makers. It may create a huge chilling effect on future design and features deployed by Android smartphone and tablet makers, in an effort to clearly distinguish themselves from Apple's iPhone and iPad for fear it could lead to patent infringement lawsuits. Many industry soothsayers and Wall Street analysts had cited the Samsung Galaxy line as one of Apple's greatest threats to its i-device dominance.

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