Articles for Career Growth

  • How Project and Program Management Compare

    If you’re interested in helping companies manage their operations, you might be wondering about the differences between program and project management. We’ll dig into what program and project managers do, along…
  • Interview Tips for Data Security Analysts

    With cyberattacks on the rise worldwide, companies everywhere are anxious to keep their databases as secure as possible. In order to do so, many hire data security analysts, who (as the name implies) analyze te…
  • How to Break into Mobile Development

    With billions of smartphones worldwide, it’s safe to say the mobile app industry isn’t declining anytime soon. For those who’ve mastered the intricacies of producing iOS and Android apps, opportunities potentia…
  • Five Best Practices for Software Developers

    As software developers gain experience, they learn that mastering coding best practices isn’t just about writing code that gets the job done: the key thing is to write code that’s top quality, (relatively) easy…
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Technology Roles at The Walt Disney Company

    At Disney, we are committed to celebrating an inclusive, respectful world. Our technologists are behind creating authentic and unforgettable experiences and products for the stories and characters that capture…
  • 5 Tips to Help You Make the Most of Your Online Learning Experience

    Given how quickly the tech industry evolves, it’s critical to keep your skills up-to-date. However, carving out the time for education can prove difficult, especially if you’re already working a full-time job.…
  • Want to Jump to a Startup? Think Before You Leap

    For many years, the startup ecosystem has been defined by some key buzzwords: “disruption,” “innovation,” and so on. For those who want to help create something new—and potentially jump aboard something big on…
  • Google's Most Popular Software Technologies

    While terming a particular technology “most popular” is always a problematic endeavor, Google’s gargantuan amount of search data offers some excellent insights into which technologies seize the world’s attentio…
  • Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Job Market Small But Growing in Many States

    The buzz around artificial intelligence (A.I.) continues to rise. But is that buzz translating into a huge A.I. job market? That’s a big question for software engineers, software developers, and anyone else who…
  • 10 Most Popular Programming Languages on GitHub

    GitHub’s annual State of the Octoverse breaks down the most popular languages on the world’s largest code repository. Given GitHub’s size, the fastest-growing and most popular languages on the platform are, by…
  • 'Tech Connects' Podcast: Grow with Google

    “Tech Connects,” Dice’s podcast, digs into the tech hiring, recruiting, and career topics that matter to you. Subscribe on ACast, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, iHeartRadio, Amazon Podcasts, and YouTube! Our latest g…
  • Walmart Global Tech: You Belong

    People-led, tech-powered. That’s what Walmart Global Tech delivers every day, while helping people save money and live better. And that’s not just for customers. Living better is also a goal the company has for…
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