Main image of article Facebook CTO Bret Taylor Heading Back to Startup World

Facebook CTO Bret Taylor is reportedly gearing up to leave the social networking giant by the end of summer to launch a startup. His decision comes less than a month after Facebook's famed IPO flop. Taylor apparently has a yearning to return to the startup life and will likely focus on the consumer market, says All Things Digital. Taylor told the blog he'll also probably pick an industry with which he isn't fully familiar. Although the timing of Taylor's departure falls along the lines of take the IPO money and run, he apparently made it clear to founder Mark Zuckerberg that he wanted to return some day to the startup life.

I had always been upfront with Mark that I eventually wanted to do another start-up...and we felt now is the best time after the IPO and the launch of some recent things for me to do that.

Taylor's impending departure is a replay of events Silicon Valley IT recruiters say they've seen before, following a company's IPO. After an IPO, usually 10 to 15 percent of new IT hires at a company are to replace engineers and developers who've left, Richard Chie of Palo Alto Staffing Technology told Dice News recently. Taylor worked at Google before launching his FriendFeed social aggregator, which was acquired by Facebook three years ago He will be joined by Kevin Gibbs, also a former Googler. As time moves on, it'll be interesting to see if other Facebook folks will join Taylor.

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