Articles for Job Hunting

  • 4 Key Skills of QA Engineers

    As a QA engineer, you know you’re doing well when your work goes unnoticed. It’s your job to make sure everything is correct and operating as expected, so that users don’t encounter issues with your site or pro…
  • Heads Up, Tech Professionals: Protect Yourself From Phishing Scams Presenting as Recruiters

    Here at Dice, we connect talented professionals with incredible tech job opportunities every day. But lately, there's been a disturbing trend: Bad actors are posing as recruiters and targeting tech job seekers…
  • Why Informational Interviews Can Help Your Job Search

    When you’re on the hunt for a job, you’re likely concentrating a good deal of your efforts on creating a perfect resume, tailoring an online portfolio, and actually applying for positions. But you might be over…
  • Phone Interviews: What Tech Hiring Managers Want to Hear

    If you’re on the job hunt, and having a hard time making it past the phone interviews, you may be wondering what hiring managers are looking for. What are their goals? What do they want to hear from candidates?…
  • Why Finding Your 'Work-Life Integration' is Better Than 'Work-Life Balance'

    We’re all familiar with the so-called Work-Life Balance. But, this conjures up visions of see-saws that must be perfectly balanced with equal weights on both ends at all times to ensure success. I personally be…
  • Proofread your Resume for Content and Grammar

    If you’re applying for jobs, you might be tempted to write and send resumes as fast as possible. After all, the more jobs you apply to, the better your chances of landing a new role. But hold up: if you don’t t…
  • Should You 'Mass Apply' to Tech Jobs?

    When you’re on the job hunt, it’s tempting to bombard hundreds of job openings with your resume and cover letter, especially if you need a new income stream. But is ‘mass apply’ the most effective way to apply…
  • Using the Right Resume Format for Job Applications

    You know you need a resume. But what’s the ideal resume format? If you get “creative” with that format, will it help you stand out in a crowded job market? And what’s the deal with applicant tracking systems (A…
  • Interview Tips for Data Security Analysts

    With cyberattacks on the rise worldwide, companies everywhere are anxious to keep their databases as secure as possible. In order to do so, many hire data security analysts, who (as the name implies) analyze te…
  • How to Break into Mobile Development

    With billions of smartphones worldwide, it’s safe to say the mobile app industry isn’t declining anytime soon. For those who’ve mastered the intricacies of producing iOS and Android apps, opportunities potentia…
  • Building Stronger Work Relationships

    For all tech professionals who want to succeed in their careers, tech skills are obviously critical. However, strong professional relationships also significantly impact performance, career growth, and overall…
  • What Is Rightsourcing in IT?

    It’s considering both in-house and external resources for the best fit for a variety of tasks. Rightsourcing considers in-house options and contractors to determine the most effective course of action. With rig…
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