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The average Python salary for New York City is $102,318. Second-highest is Silicon Valley, where devs earn $97,310 on average. Seattle’s average salary is $94,362, followed by Dallas at $90,144. Chicago's Python developers earn $89,562. Versus the top-end NYC income, Silicon Valley devs only see an (adjusted) five percent dip. Seattle follows with eight percent less income, with Dallas and Chicago both hovering around 12 percent less than NYC Python developers. Sounds like a slam dunk for New York, but it’s not. The cost of living in New York is the highest among these five cities, and the decreased salary elsewhere doesn’t jibe with the cost of living difference. There's a five percent decrease in income between NYC and Silicon Valley; if you tried taking your Silicon Valley pay to NYC, you'd see a $15,563 dip in net disposable income. And that’s the best case scenario. Applying the Seattle income level to NYC sees a $24,807 dip in disposable income. Chicago’s Python salary means $54,380 less, and Dallas's $90,144 means a whopping $79,159 less available net disposable income in NYC. If the discrepancy seems off, is comparing cost of living versus income. In the case of Dallas versus New York City, cost of living is 108.7 percent higher in NYC, which means you’d have to earn $188,150 to see a comparable style of living. By that accounting, we can say Dallas and Chicago are the best of these places for Python developers – at least when it comes to income and cost of living in major metro areas. Seattle and Silicon Valley are still good bets, though there are other locations to consider, as well. And if you’re stuck on NYC, give the transit lines a hard look before deciding where to live.