Main image of article Tech Pros Earn Almost Double the Average Salary: Study
Tech pros earn quite a bit, and a new study shows it’s sometimes nearly double a state's average salary. According to, the earning disparity between tech pros and state average salaries is stark. What may be even more surprising is the locations where the earnings gap is most noticeable. You might not think of Provo, Utah as a tech hub, but it’s got a very healthy tech scene. Tech pros in that city earn nearly six figures ($96,120), which is a full $30,000 more than the state average ($65,977). The report hammers home the uniqueness of these tech salaries; engineers and developers in the area “make over $30,000 a year more there in tech than in any other profession in the state.” Other locales are far better for tech professionals. Syracuse, New York is near the top of the list when it comes to tech pro earnings, with $117,000, a full $54,000 more than the state average salary of $62,909. Dayton, Ohio tech pros earn more than double the state average: $116,200 versus $52,334, a nearly $64,000 chasm. And some areas have very little variance. Stockton, California is not especially lucrative for tech pros, and it shows. The average state earning is $67,739, while tech pros in Stockton earn $73,440. When examining the top ten metro areas for tech pro earnings, we find the average is well into the six-figure range: $110,419. Compare that to the average state salary of $64,799.80. For metro areas, the average wage difference is $45,619.20. notes one example where a tech pro earns three times as much as the state average: In Palm Bay, Florida, at least one tech pro earns upward of $160,000. The state "general" average is $50,860, and the average tech pro salary is $82,939, so this is an outlier. If we take an even wider view, the findings get a bit less exciting. The overall tech pro earnings hover around $85,000 for the 100 markets examined. Dice’s Salary Survey shows the average tech pro earns just shy of $93,000. We’re always on the lookout for great places tech pros will want to work, but when we consider the earnings disparity here, it seems things are going okay no matter where you live. Download Dice's Salary Report Now!