Main image of article The Opponent: H-1Bs Pressure U.S. Wages

The value of the H-1B program isn’t only being debated in the world of office parks and cubicles. It’s a topic being argued in academia, as well, with the focus on the needs and merits of increasing the visa cap and enticing both American and foreign students to pursue STEM degrees here, particularly master’s and doctorates. One of the most vocal opponents of the program is Computer Science Professor Norman Matloff of the University of California at Davis. He questions not only the intentions of employers, but also the reasons why academic institutions often work hard to increase caps. The Special Report:

Here’s what he had to say when I sat down with him. Why don’t more computer science and engineering majors, particularly those who are U.S. citizens, want to pursue advanced degrees? What role do universities play in efforts to increase the H-1B cap, such as Stanford with its Gates Hall and Hewlett Hall? If an employer is considering hiring H-1Bs because they’re skilled and young, why can’t they hire recent U.S. college graduates? They’re skilled and young, too. Is the prevailing wage H-1Bs are paid a fair wage?