Even before Apple revealed the timing of the iPhone 5 launch, the demand for iPhone-related skills began to soar. In June, the number of Dice job postings seeking expertise in everything from iOS development to antenna engineering jumped 115 percent year-over-year. The need for Android and mobile app development expertise also rose at respectable rates: 56 percent for Android skills and 44 percent for mobile app development. The numbers are another indication that those with the right talents are in a particularly strong position as they seek new jobs, or negotiate to stay where they are on better terms. In June, 73 percent of HR managers, recruiters and tech staffing firms said they expected to add IT staff. That's up from 65 percent six months previously. At the same time, 45 percent said it was taking longer to fill open positions. Of those, 48 percent said a lack of talent was the reason. Given the continued surge of mobile products and services, none of this should be surprising. It's a strong indication that those who aren't familiar with mobile technology should consider expanding their skills in that direction.