Main image of article Top Questions You Must Ask to Write a Great Job Description

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Obtain key qualifiers from the IT hiring manager up front. Don’t just look for key words in a resume or rely on a standard job description. With answers to the following questions you’ll be able to write more effective job descriptions and uncover qualified technology candidates more quickly.


  1. Certifications required

  2. Skills and years of experience required by area of expertise (QA, servers/networks, databases)

  3. Level of involvement with skills: used in new development, enhancement and/or maintenance work

  4. Management experience/expertise required

  5. Specific work experience required vs. preferable (rank order of importance)

  6. Proof of work product or deliverable that must be demonstrated

  7. Project scope for past activities (hours, budget, resources)

  8. Security clearances required

  9. Key development tools the candidate must have experience using (rank order of importance)

  10. Methodologies the candidate must have used extensively


  1. Permanent position or temporary contract position (& how long)

  2. Level of education required

  3. Position’s most critical responsibilities

  4. Most difficult aspects of the position

  5. Desired personality characteristics

  6. Organizational structure above and below the position

  7. Management style of the supervisor(s)

  8. Overall pace of work: Quick or methodical

  9. Amount of interaction with customer groups or clients (how much and in what types of situations)

  10. Salary range/maximum salary

  11. Percentage travel required

  12. Culture of the group/team