Main image of article Belkin Jumps in the Home Automation Game

Belkin launched a pair of iOS-friendly home automation solutions that look like they are going to make quite a splash. Belkin’s WeMo Switch and WeMo motion products allow users to add anything that plugs into an electrical outlet to attach to their network. From there, it's possible to do a couple of things:

  • Control your appliances remotely via an iOS app.
  • Set up your appliances to operate on a schedule.
  • Arrange to turn on your heating or cooling 30 minutes before you get home – or shut it off, if you have a change in plans.
  • If you're worried about having left the coffee machine on, you could shut it down remotely.

WeMo motion switches include a motion detector that allows for usual functions, but it also takes it a step further. Its web service also allows users to set up what-if-scenarios like sending an email if the cat visits the litter box. The WeMo Switch retails for $49.99 and the WeMo Switch + Motion for $99.99. Belkin hit the right price point for consumers, particularly with the basic switch. Let's face it, being able to operate a single device remotely isn’t all that exciting. However, people will be a lot more interested if they can afford a few of them. [youtube]