Main image of article Nokia Shows Off 'Sea Ray,' Its First Windows Phone

What you see on the right is Nokia's first Windows Phone, a "super confidential" device codenamed "Sea Ray." It's been shown off by none other than Stephen Elop, the Nokia CEO who pushed the company away from Symbian and MeeGo in favor of Windows Phone 7. The Nokia chief kindly asked his audience to put  away their cameras and recording devices before presenting the new device, but somehow a professionally recorded video (that looks official) of the presentation made its way to the Internet. Details are scarce, but from the video it seems that Sea Ray is a variant of the N9, which runs Windows Phone Mango. The only other obvious difference are the LED flash position and the extra button on the side. Stephen took the opportunity to answer the ultimate question: "What's the point of Nokia N9 when the company is transitioning to Windows Phone?" Well, he answered, there's a whole collection of innovation in the N9, and it's going to live on. He cites the development of Qt apps, the user interface and experience, and the beautiful industrial design as examples. Alas, he did not explain why Nokia is dropping MeeGo, a perfectly fine operating system that hasn't had a chance to prove itself. [youtube] The Full video can be viewed on Source: Engadget