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Millions of tech professionals join Dice to find their next job opportunity. We make it easy for recruiters like you to search for and connect with the ones who are the right match for your open roles.

  • Automate your sourcing process with AI
  • Pinpoint talent with advanced filters and tools
  • Connect immediately with in-demand tech talent.


Candidates who create profiles on Dices are required to include their name, work authorization, location, job preference, resume, email, job title and at least 5 skills.

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Access our candidate database

Connect with millions of tech professionals who come to Dice to find their next job opportunity. 

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Automate your sourcing

Use our tech-focused AI to automatically get a qualified list of candidate matches in seconds.

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Pinpoint the right candidates

Candidates on Dice add detailed information to their profiles, so you can filter down to your exact hiring needs.

In a time crunch? Let Dice source talent for you.

Our expert Sourcing Services takes work off your plate. We source and screen so you can focus on interviewing and hiring.

How AMH Went From Outreach to Offer in 7 Days with Dice

How AMH Went From Outreach to Offer in 7 Days with Dice

How AMH Went From Outreach to Offer in 7 Days with Dice

Learn how an AMH recruiter used Dice’s AI candidate search tool and alert emails to go from initial engagement to interviewing and making a quality hire in just 7 days.

How AMH Went From Outreach to Offer in 7 Days with Dice
Let’s make your next tech hire!

Find tech candidates today. Contact us, and a member of our team will be in touch soon to discuss solutions and pricing.
