If you want to make sure your social profiles demonstrate your tech-recruiting credibility, take a look at these steps from the new eBook I produced with Dice, The Definitive Guide to Engaging Top Tech Candidates, and ask yourself the following:
Question One
Do my summary and open job descriptions emphasize my focus and expertise in recruiting tech pros? (Include information about your company’s technology stack, the kind of candidates you regularly recruit, and the kind of interesting tech problems the teams you hire for are working on.)
Question Two
Do I follow tech companies and tech leaders?Question Three
Do I post articles or videos or link to information about my company’s technical work, or do I just come across as a traditional HR recruiter or sales-centric agency recruiter looking to make a dollar?
Question Four
Am I connected to engineers or just other recruiters? Am I park of relevant tech communities/groups?Question Five
Do I have recommendations from engineering candidates and hiring managers, who rave about my professionalism, my abilities to help them in their career, my abilities as a tech recruiter, the quality of the candidate experiences I create, etc.?