The DHI-DFH Mean Vacancy Duration measure found the average job vacancy duration of Professional and Business Services jobs 25.8 working days in January, up from 23.7 days in December 2015. The average job vacancy duration in the U.S. is near peak levels at 28.1 days. “Hiring at the start of this year is better for some industries than others. Healthcare is doing well bolstered by demand for skilled talent and favorable market conditions, while the energy industry continues to lag,” said Michael Durney, President and CEO of DHI Group, Inc. “Financial services and tech are both coming off a strong year of job creation and employers continue to recruit for those hard-to-find professionals to fill open roles.” Meanwhile, the DHI-DFH Recruiting Intensity index saw the intensity by companies to fill tech jobs declined to 1.02 in January from 1.10 in December. This recruiting intensity includes actions by employers to fill a job, including payments on help wanted ads, certain recruiting methods, applicant screening process, hiring standards and the attractiveness of compensation packages offered to prospective new hires. “This is an interesting time for tech as demand for highly-skilled professionals is no longer reserved to Silicon Valley or New York and tech hubs across the country are offering competitive pay and benefits,” said Bob Melk, President of Dice.
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