Main image of article 6 Ways to Connect at #SHRM12
You're gearing up for SHRM's Annual Conference in Atlanta – updating your business cards, mapping out "must-stop" booths and packing travel-size toiletries. Put these six ways to connect with Dice on your SHRM "To-Do" list: Meet us at the bar inside SHRM's new social media space The Hive
  • Check in with Connie at The Hive's "Smart Bar" and pick up your “Social Smarts” card.
  • Get stamped twice and enter to win a Kindle Fire or Best Buy gift cards.
Watch for Terry Starr speaking "Live From The Hive"
  • Follow @HRSocialStarr – She's the Director of Social Media Strategy for Dice Holdings, Inc. and she knows her stuff.
  • Attend her sessions on Sunday and Monday: 7+ Benefits of Social Recruiting
Stop by the Dice booth #107 to meet the team and score some cool swag
  • Meet our team and see what’s new at Dice. While you’re there, check out the #DiceTip photos and grab a pair of our famous fuzzy dice.
Smile! Take your “tip pic” to enter our Tips for Travel giveaway
  • Write your best tech recruiting tip on a “Conversation Bubble” board in Dice booth #107.
  • Your tip enters you to win one of three $2,500 travel vouchers to take a vacation!
Get your “tweet-on” — Use #DiceTip to join the tech talent conversation
  • Use the social smarts you pick up from The Hive to tweet using hashtag #DiceTip. The conversation will be going all weekend.
  • Plus, follow @EmployersOnDice for links to our conference photos and videos.
Be part of the #SHRM12 video montage on YouTube
  • Watch for our roving videographer. We want you in our crowdsourced #SHRM12 video montage that we'll post on following the conference.