Main image of article Dice Report: How Trump Might Impact Tech Hiring

dicereport_jangrphic_vii Some 77 percent of hiring professionals from a variety of industries expect no near-term change in hiring plans due to the recent U.S. presidential election, according to a new survey by DHI Group, Inc., the parent company of Dice. However, a significant percentage of hiring managers who work within the technology industry believe that specific policies of U.S. President Donald Trump will have an impact on how they hire. The survey took place from Dec. 12 – 16. Respondents worked at U.S. companies, government entities, and recruiting firms; some 224 hiring professionals responded that they recruit for a variety of professionals and industries, while 491 recruit mainly within tech. Overall, some 12 percent of hiring managers believe that Trump’s ascendancy to the Presidency will spark more hiring. Of the 11 percent of hiring managers who believe that hiring will decrease in 2017 due to the results of the Presidential election, some 44 percent of those involved exclusively in tech believe that Trump’s immigration reforms will reduce the pool of available skilled labor in the United States. That’s a notable contrast with hiring managers who work in other industries, only 26 percent of whom thought that new immigration policies would have a negative impact. At the same time, some 39 percent of hiring managers who focus on tech were positive about the impact of any Trump tax reform on hiring. Compare that to the 19 percent of hiring managers in other industries who felt that way. “Employer hunger for tech talent continues unabated into 2017, and companies are casting wide nets in order to find exactly the right professionals,” said Bob Melk, President of Dice. “That need to source talent from around the world compels many companies to utilize programs such as the H-1B visa, which has many hiring managers paying careful attention to the new Presidential administration’s impact on immigration policy.” “Dice has long suggested that programs such as H-1B visas are helpful if utilized as intended, but that companies should not attempt to exploit the system,” Melk added. Meanwhile in tech, low unemployment has made it that much harder for employers to find candidates not already employed—and often forces them to make substantial offers in order to lure top talent. While a majority of employers (83 percent) have an employee referral program in place, hiring mangers report that less than 10 percent of their hires come from these programs. Supplementing these programs with external tools such as Open Web, Lengo and getTalent may help deepen the targeted talent pool.