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We're constantly thinking about how we, as employers and recruiters, can use social media to find great candidates – but we don’t often look at the other side of the equation. How are those candidates learning to market themselves in social media? The job search landscape has changed dramatically with the rise of social media, and John P. Nykolaiszyn (@cigarSPHR), Associate Director at Florida International University recognizes that. He spends most of his time recruiting companies to come to the FIU campus and recruit students. Nikolaiszyn tells Sarah White (@imsosarah), blogger at HR Tech Blog, that FIU also requires all students to take a 6-hour course on how to market themselves. Students are taught how to network across platforms – social sites, job boards, personal networks and their alumni network. They learn how to build a resume and marketing plan, then use social networks to find a job. Different students engage companies differently – some via social networks, some go directly to the company sites, and others connect at campus network events. At FIU they teach students to do everything so they can figure out what works best, and at the same time ask companies how they want to engage, said Nikolaiszyn. Learning to market themselves makes students more visible to employers and recruiters. It makes your job of finding and hiring them easier when the time comes.