Articles associated with topic: #mrec

  • 4 Steps to the Ideal Mobile Candidate Experience

    How are you going to create a mobile-based experience to reach out to and connect with candidates? Have you thought out every step of the process, from attracting candidates, to getting them to actually go to y…
  • How Pricewaterhouse-Coopers Uses Dice

    Mark Hess of PricewaterhouseCoopers says he likes how the tech talent on Dice is segregated into groups. It makes it really easy for them to find candidates with different skill sets. Watch Hess talk about how…
  • Forecasting the Future of Mobile Recruiting

    Statistics around mobile phone usage are staggering. Almost half of mobile phone users now have a smartphone, can access the web, and have their device with them almost all of the time. These users are also pot…
  • Case Study: How MTV Revamped Its Mobile Site

    When you’re ready to revamp your mobile site, figure out which metrics are important to you and actually measure them, says Joe Lalley (@itsjl), VP, Digital Products for Viacom Media Networks. Lalley did a case…
  • Growing Demand for Mobile: Are Recruiters Ready?

    We’re at a tipping point in the recruiting industry. In previous years, the volume of people using mobile didn’t demand a mobile recruiting solution. Today that's changed, according to Dave Martin (@mobile_dave…
  • Base Mobile Recruiting Solutions on Your Audience

    Hiring professionals know that engaging with prospects via a mobile perspective is important, but may not know where to start, says Michael Marlatt (@michaelmarlatt), Founder of mRecruitingcamp and a 16-year ve…
  • Use Photos to Build Relationships and Employer Brand

    . We already know amazing things about consumer behavior with mobile technology. For example: 91% of U.S. citizens have their phones within reach 24/7 82% of consumers want to engage brands via mobile Mobile co…
  • Mobile Recruiting: Go Beyond the Brand

    As it often happens at industry conferences, there's as much to be learned in the hallways as there is in the workshop sessions. Especially if you run into Jim Stroud, who sometimes hands out cash. This was tru…
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