Articles associated with topic: #shrm12

  • 18 Expert Tips to Get Started in Social Recruiting

    You've been told time and time again how important social media is to recruiting and sourcing candidates. If you're not convinced yet, here's even more fuel for the fire: Identified, a professional social scori…
  • Top 10 Pics and Tips from 2012 HR and Recruiting Events

    2012 was a busy year for Dice. We enjoyed interacting with so many of you at HR and recruiting events across the U.S., and appreciate you sharing your tricks of the trade. What we learned from you all in genera…
  • Improve the Candidate Experience

    Recruiting and hiring can be tough. It's not easy to align the right person, the right job and the right company at exactly the right time to create an excellent candidate experience. At the 2012 SHRM National…
  • Take Social Recruiting Beyond the 'Field of Dreams' Phenomenon

    “Social media will never make a hire,” argued Matt Charney (@mattcharney), Senior Manager, Social Media and Online Branding for Cornerstone OnDemand. At the 2012 SHRM National Conference in Atlanta (#SHRM12), C…
  • 90 Reasons for Success at SHRM12

    13,00 HR pros and recruiters. 90+ bloggers. 3 days. 1 hot city. Dice set up shop in Atlanta for SHRM’s 2012 Annual Conference & Exposition (#SHRM12), and we were astounded at the impact we were able to make – a…
  • 20 Top Tips to Recruit Passive Candidates

    Sometimes the best hires aren’t the ones actively looking for a job. Better known as “passive” candidates, these gainfully employed professionals are reasonably happy, but might be willing to consider a more at…
  • Social Media is Here to Stay, Thanks to #SHRM12

    No longer is Twitter a taboo in HR circles. After this years’ Society of Human Resource Management conference in Atlanta, tweets, follows and Facebook posts are becoming a reality to thousands of HR professiona…
  • #SHRM12 Review From HR's Top Bloggers

    SHRM 2012 In Review: HR Blogger Mash-up At SHRM’s 2012 Annual Conference & Exposition in Atlanta, Dice was everywhere – answering questions about social media in The Hive, engaging in the social conversation wi…
  • SHRM12: Think and Be Social with Meghan M. Biro

    It’s been a few weeks since I returned from the Society for Human Resource Management 2012 Annual Conference (#SHRM12) in Atlanta. I wanted some time to pass by for reflection before blogging about it. Frankly,…
  • Social Recruiting: No Question Is Dumb at #SHRM12

    You may already be social media-savvy and know how to use Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Foursquare for finding top candidates. But the odds are that as a recruiter or HR professional today, you could probably…
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