Articles associated with topic: hiring

  • How to Attract, Interview and Hire: Project Managers

    For businesses of any size, there’s always a need for a skilled project manager. These roles require a mix of both technical knowledge and soft skills that take years to fully master. As a result, finding and h…
  • Microsoft: What It Pays Top Tech Talent

    How much can top software engineers earn at Microsoft? That’s an important question for hiring managers and recruiters who need to determine where to set their own companies’ salaries for all-star talent. Accor…
  • CIOs Can Change Company Culture Through Technology

    If you want to change corporate culture, look no further than your CIO. For years, corporate culture (and all that came with it) was usually the providence of the CEO, who would then work with human resources t…
  • Tech's Low Unemployment Rate Creates Recruiting Issues

    Tech unemployment hasn’t been this low since the turn of the century, according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data crunched by CompTIA. That creates issues for hiring managers and recruiters on the h…
  • Lessons from the Amazon "Upskilling 2025" Program

    Amazon plans on spending $700 million to retrain 100,000 members of its U.S. workforce over the next six years, according to the company. For recruiters and hiring managers at firms of all sizes, this will be a…
  • Cost of Living in Tech Hubs Could Drive Salaries Higher

    The upside of working in a major tech hub such as San Francisco or New York City: salaries are often generous. The downside, of course, is the cost of living is often high, as well. For employers, that sometime…
  • Which Certifications are Employers Paying a Premium For?

    Employer demand for certain kinds of certifications is changing rapidly, based on data reported in the latest IT Skills and Certifications Pay Index from Foote Partners, LLC. The average market value for 479 te…
  • What Amazon Pays Its Newest Tech Hires

    How much can a brand-new engineering recruit earn at Amazon? That's a vital question for hiring managers and recruiters trying to figure out how high to set their own companies' starting salaries. It's also a p…
  • What Each U.S. State Pays Software Developers

    Companies that want to hire software developers to build applications know that securing the right talent can often prove quite expensive. They're also well aware that the cost of talent varies depending on cit…
  • 3 Strategies to Stay on Top of Immigration Issues

    Tech sector hiring managers are facing numerous roadblocks in the competition for talent. Global uncertainty and changing immigration regulations make identifying candidates with hard-to-find skills an especial…
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