Articles associated with topic: hiring

  • Women Learning to Code Earlier, Impacting Diverse Hiring

    According to a new study from HackerRank, women are learning to code earlier in life than previous generations. They’re also focusing on languages employers want. That’s great news for employers that want to di…
  • Our Pay Doesn’t Match Our Value, Say Most Tech Pros

    According to the most recent Dice Salary Survey, the average tech pro made $93,244 in 2018, a very slight 0.6 percent increase from the year before. For many Americans, that’s a lot of money—but many tech pros…
  • 10 Employer Brand Takeaways from Today’s Tech Leaders

    Your employer brand should promote your organization to candidates, just like a corporate brand attracts customers. Actually marketing your employment offering, though, goes way beyond calling out the ping-pong…
  • 8 Conversations Every Recruiter Must Have with Hiring Teams

    At its core, recruiting is all about relationships. Period. As tech recruiters, we’re constantly discussing the importance of our candidate relationships. But how often are you thinking about the relationship w…
  • How to Stop Getting Ghosted by Tech Talent

    Around sometime last year, the idea of ghosting began to take the tech recruiting and hiring industry by storm. If you’ve been recruiting for a while, you’ve probably experienced it, too. Candidates just stop s…
  • 4 Tips for Bringing Humanity Back to Tech Recruiting

    With 2019 in full swing, and all those year-end resolution and prediction posts in the rearview mirror, it’s time to get moving. For tech recruiting, one of the trends gaining speed puts people back at the cent…
  • 6 Tired Tech Recruiting Myths Debunked

    As tech recruiting evolved, so did a sort of folklore surrounding it. Through whispers and hushed tones across offices and internets, this mythology slowly became recognized as truth, despite any proof or share…
  • How Assessments Fit Into Your Hiring Process

    Despite all the talk of automation and robotics, no one knows exactly what the future’s workforce will look like. What people can say, however (indeed, what many say is common knowledge) is that the business wo…
  • 6 Steps to Building Your Brand as a Tech Recruiter

    Branding is a tough business. This is especially true in tech, which is full of hungry startups (often devoid of concrete missions or messaging) and big enterprises that continue to ride the wave on name recogn…
  • How to Text Tech Candidates and Get Real Responses

    So you’re thinking about adding text messages to your tech recruiting toolbox. Texting has been around since the ‘90s, which means you and your candidates are probably pretty familiar with the traditional etiqu…
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