Articles associated with topic: hr technology

  • HR Tech: Rock out to win a trip of your dreams

    Rock out to win a $2,000 trip of your dreams. Hit up Booth #300 at #HRTechConf. We’ll show you how to top the recruiting charts by personalizing your approach and getting show-stopping response rates with Open…
  • The REAL Recruiting Innovation

    I have been busy lately. I hosted the Dice sponsored #truSanfran, #truOC and #truNY (#tru stands for the recruiting unconference), and attended #RIS13, ERE’s Recruiting Innovation Summit, also in SanFran. I had…
  • How Millennials Changed Nieman Marcus

    . Neiman Marcus is a 105-year-old company with employees who have decades of tenure. If you’ve been there for 10 years, you’re still considered a new employee, says Keith Meyerson (@KeithMeyerson), Director of…
  • Tackle New Technology at Work

    “Technology drives more change in the workplace than anything else. And because it’s technology, it scares the hell out of people,” says Dwane Lay (@DwaneLay), Head of HR Process Design at Dovetail Software and…
  • 14 Projections for the Future of HR Tech

    It would be great if we could look into the future. Then we'd know what stocks to buy, which team to bet on, and more importantly, in which HR technologies to invest our time and money. Unfortunately we don’t h…
  • HR Experts on the Next Wave of HR Tech

    At the 2012 HR Tech Conference in Chicago, there were hundreds of technologies on the trade show floor trying to be the next cool thing. At the same time, there were tons of sessions trying to predict what will…
  • Social. Mobile. Big Data. Oh My!

    This year's HR Technology Conference wasn’t arguably the biggest yet – it was the biggest yet. From “The 15th Annual HR Technology® Conference & Expo was, as predicted, the largest and mos…
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