Articles associated with topic: mobile

  • 4 Steps to the Ideal Mobile Candidate Experience

    How are you going to create a mobile-based experience to reach out to and connect with candidates? Have you thought out every step of the process, from attracting candidates, to getting them to actually go to y…
  • Transferable Skills Guide: Mobile Developer

    Return to Main Article – Transferable Skills Guide Overview Sourcing tech professionals with certain emerging or hard-to-find skills can be a challenge – even for the most seasoned recruiter. In the first insta…
  • The Recruiting Power of Pervasive Technology

    Revolutions come and go, transforming our world in ways that change the very fabric of society. Carlota Perez(1), author of Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital: The Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ag…
  • Concur: Free to Compete

    Twenty years ago, Concur started with a very simple mission – to create “the perfect trip.” Now a leading provider of integrated travel and expense management solutions, Concur is at the forefront of the cloud…
  • Justin Hall: Transitioning from Techie to Recruiter

    Meet Justin Hall. Previously a brilliant producer for mobile game maker DeNA, Justin's curiosity about his coworkers evolved into an internal communications role. He was so well-received that he was drafted fro…
  • Go Mobile for the Best Candidates

    “In order to recruit the best, you have to provide the best candidate experience or candidates move on,” says Fred Pratt (@ffpratt), VP, Digital Platform Sales for TMP Worldwide. “Candidates are found predomina…
  • Forecasting the Future of Mobile Recruiting

    Statistics around mobile phone usage are staggering. Almost half of mobile phone users now have a smartphone, can access the web, and have their device with them almost all of the time. These users are also pot…
  • Growing Demand for Mobile: Are Recruiters Ready?

    We’re at a tipping point in the recruiting industry. In previous years, the volume of people using mobile didn’t demand a mobile recruiting solution. Today that's changed, according to Dave Martin (@mobile_dave…
  • Social. Mobile. Big Data. Oh My!

    This year's HR Technology Conference wasn’t arguably the biggest yet – it was the biggest yet. From “The 15th Annual HR Technology® Conference & Expo was, as predicted, the largest and mos…
  • Base Mobile Recruiting Solutions on Your Audience

    Hiring professionals know that engaging with prospects via a mobile perspective is important, but may not know where to start, says Michael Marlatt (@michaelmarlatt), Founder of mRecruitingcamp and a 16-year ve…
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