Articles associated with topic: open web search

  • The Power of Partnership Improves Dice Search

    When folks at Dice say we want to be your partner in success, that includes working together toward continuous improvement of our products and services. Thanks to your feedback we’ve done just that. Here’s how…
  • Seeking Designers? Use Dribbble to filter your search.

    They say the proof is in the pudding. And for recruiters needing specific skills, I’d say a little social validation goes a long way in qualifying tech pros. That’s why we added Dribbble – a show and tell site…
  • New Dice skills feature lets you compare, contrast, fast.

    Speed thrills. So if you’re looking for a way to reduce the time it takes to source the most qualified candidates, I’d like to recommend a new Open Web feature we just released. Now on each candidate’s profile,…
  • A Smarter Way to Search Dice is Here

    The start of a new year brings with it a desire to improve upon the past. To go further, dig deeper and accomplish more. For us on your Dice Developer team, we’re focused on how we can help you do just that. Mo…
  • Spring cleaning: Search gets a revamp — and delivers more

    Last fall, Dice gave our profiles a "new coat of paint." This spring, we did the same for our search. The goal: Make it easier for you to find interviewable candidates and get talent in the empty seats you're l…
  • (Webinar) A smarter way to search Dice: A sneak peek

    Meet Tam Le. When he’s not wearing fake sunglasses and mustaches, he’s designing. Building. Creating. What exactly? Brand new Dice products that will connect you with the best in tech – and save you time. The l…
  • Dice at SxSW Austin

    One-of-a-kind events Designed with you in mind DICETRU Join us for lively, inspired conversation on finding tech talent. No formal presentation. No boring PowerPoints. Come with questions and ideas. Leave with…
  • Recruiting Passives in a Competitive Tech Market

    As a tech recruiter, you're up against incomplete and outdated profiles, time consuming research, exhausting searches, unresponsive candidates and tough competition. Watch this webinar hosted by Recruiting Tren…
  • Dice User Tip: A faster way to contact candidates

    Connect button now included on Open Web profiles. Dice has introduced a new feature that makes it even faster and easier to send a candidate a tweet, Facebook message or email - all from one spot. When you're v…
  • New Tech Recruiting Unconference: #DiceTru

    #DiceTru: The first of its kind, designed with you in mind. Dice and #Tru are a match made in tech recruiting (and sourcing) heaven. Join us for a day of lively, inspired conversation instead of 'death by Power…
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