Articles associated with topic: recruiters

  • You’ve Recruited Women in Tech. How Do You Keep Them?

    Most organizations admittedly aren’t great at getting women into tech roles, which we addressed in our last blog post. Obviously it’s a multi-step process: first you hire high-capacity women; then you need to k…
  • What Tech Recruiters Wish CIOs Knew

    Although technology managers don’t always like to admit it, a good recruiter can be their best friend, especially in today’s labor market. Whether they’re internal or contract, an experienced headhunter who kno…
  • Tim Cook on Developer, Manufacturing Job Pipeline

    Earlier this month, Apple CEO Tim Cook suggested in an interview that advanced manufacturing very much has a place in the U.S. economy. If he’s right, that could have a significant effect on long-term hiring an…
  • Dice Report: Fastest-Growing Tech Salaries, by City

    Which U.S. cities boasted the biggest increases in salaries last year? According to the latest Dice Salary Survey (PDF), they might not be the ones you think. Although major tech hubs such as Silicon Valley and…
  • U.S. Tech Salaries Map 2017

    Find out how much are your skills worth. Try our tech salary calculator now.
  • Dice Report: How Trump Might Impact Tech Hiring

    Some 77 percent of hiring professionals from a variety of industries expect no near-term change in hiring plans due to the recent U.S. presidential election, according to a new survey by DHI Group, Inc., the pa…
  • Recruiting Remains a Challenge

    The DHI-DFH Mean Vacancy Duration measure found the average job vacancy duration of Professional and Business Services jobs to be 25.8 working days in 2016. In April, technology jobs remained open for 24.8 work…
  • How Dice's Data Reveals Job Popularity

    Dice analyzes massive amounts of data related to technology skills and job titles. That analysis, in turn, gives us unique insight into the tech industry, especially when it comes to supply and demand for certa…
  • Voluntary Quits Offer Challenges for Recruiters

    According to recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), tech pros ended 2015 feeling confident about the economy, or at least their chances of landing a new position: roughly 500,000 professionals i…
  • What Makes a 'Modern' Job Posting?

    A job posting is a marketing asset. It is also the hub around which a company can build a hiring and selection process for a particular candidate. From the candidate’s perspective, the posting offers a crucial…
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